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The Cosmic
Education Program


Peter Hübner
Developer of the University


Faculty of

Logical Path

Theoretical Fundamentals


Scientific Research

Medical Music
Preparations on CD



Astronomy of Mind EQ x IQ

Hall of Harmony

International Experts

Educational Program

Scientific Research

International Media

International Congresses


Application to the University



Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
PETER HUEBNER: To be exact: two worlds – for every new main state of consciousness brings us into a completely new world: epistemologically and practically.

According to what has been said so far, it should gradually become clear to the scientific journals and the scientists too, that such statements like: “In several experiments with healthy men they have measured the local neuronal activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging” is in the very limited context of the first three main states of consciousness – limited in regard to intellect and emotion as in regard to the function of neurophysiology – as less scientifically tenable as that described mixing up of the cow and its dung.
is the most common deception
and also the worst.”
“In his tiny corner
of the world
the specialist is
superbly at home,
but he has no idea
of the rest.”
Ortega y Gasset
“Error is quite alright as long as we are young,
the only thing is,
we should not drag it into old age.”
“Knowledge is experience
everything else is just information.“
Albert Einstein
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: Maybe in their experiment particulars the researchers should better become open to that scientifically correct way of description when speaking of their ‘healthy men’.

PETER HUEBNER: For example: “With all reservations – from the extremely limited viewpoint of the first three main states of consciousness: not conspicuously ill.”
“The goal of upbringing must be the development
of independently acting and thinking individuals,
who see their highest lifelong task, however,
in serving the community.”
Albert Einstein
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: Mr. Huebner, could you please once again explain the course of the light, or of the healing effect – if I may call it in this practical way? Most of the scientists enter here completely unknown territory – and not even practically but only theoretically, but this they are used to anyway.
PETER HUEBNER: Our intellect is that organ, which passes the light of the sun of our self on to all our further ‘outside’ lying non-material and material organs, and this process is also the core of all natural creativity.  
reached at the ocean
you do not talk about
tributary streams anymore.”
Hakim Sinai
“Healthy feeling cannot be replaced by any thinking.
The sense of life one can feel,
but not comprehend by reason.”
Albert Einstein
In doing so the intellect uses our understanding for conveying those aspects of (cosmic) ‘diversity’ and by the help of our feeling the intellect conveys those aspects of ‘unity’ of the inner life sun of our self (which lie beyond the cosmic).  
“Here within, deep inside, here is the world:
not there outside,
where only
delusion rules.”
Richard Wagner
“The deepest and most awe-inspiring feeling,
which we are able of,
is the experience of the mystic.
From it alone germinates true science.
To whom this feeling is strange,
who cannot marvel anymore
and loose himself in awe,
in terms of the soul
he is already dead.”
Albert Einstein
Here the intellect itself takes on the function of co-ordinating feeling and understanding, or of integrating unity and diversity – in which its universality is based.

In the context of further developments of consciousness the intellect then systematically consolidates this natural universality.
“The most beautiful,
we can experience,
is the mysterious.”
Albert Einstein
“As physicist, as a man, who for all his life served the down-to-earth science of investigating matter, I am certainly free of the suspicion of being considered a dreamer. And therefore according to my experiences with the atom I say the following:

There is no matter as such, all matter comes into being and exists through a force, which brings the atomic particles into vibration and keeps them together in that tiny solar system of the atom.
Since there exists neither an intelligent nor an eternal abstract power in the entire universe – mankind never succeeded to find the intensively longed for ‘perpetuum mobile’ (that which is moved by itself) – therefore we have to assume conscious, intelligent spirit behind this power.

This spirit is the primordial ground of matter; not the visible but transitory matter is the real, the true (the ground) – because this matter, as we have seen, would not exist at all without this spirit – but the invisible, immortal spirit is the true.
But since spirit cannot exist as such, and since every spirit belongs to a being, we have to assume, with compelling logic, spirit-beings.

But since also spirit-beings can not be by themselves, but have to be created, therefore I do not fight shy to call this mysterious Creator in the very same way, as all peoples with culture on earth of earlier millennia have called him: ‘God’.”
Max Planck
Nobel Laureate in physics
Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
Mother & Child
RRR 942 Mother and Child
RRR 931
RRR 934
RRR 933
RRR 951
RRR 105
RRR 132
RRR 935
RRR 101
RRR 111

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.